Frequently Asked Questions

How does The Kansas Repository work?
Donating Facilities send unused medications to The Kansas Repository who can then distribute the medications to qualified centers and clinics. These medications can then be made available to qualified patients at no cost.

Are the medications you redistribute expired?
No. The Kansas Repository is governed by the Kansas State Board of Pharmacy which has set specific requirements that the medications must meet. To find out more information on the requirements, visit the Information for Donors page.

I have some unused medications at my house. Can you accept them?
No. The legislation states that the medications must come from adult care homes, mail service pharmacies or medical care facilities. We are not allowed to accept donated medications from individuals.

Who is eligible to receive medications from The Kansas Repository?
Federally Qualified Health Centers,indigent health care clinics and Community Mental Health Centers in Kansas are qualified to receive medications from The Kansas Repository. The clinics can then give these medications to patients earning under 200 percent of the federal poverty level and those enrolled in public insurance programs administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Participating clinics or centers may not charge a handling fee for medications received from The Kansas Repository.

How can my facility sign up to donate/receive medications?
Please visit the Information for Donors or Information for Clinics page to find the forms and more information. You can also contact the Repository Coordinator through our Contact page. More information is also available on the Kansas State Board of Pharmacy website at


Kansas Department of Health and Environment